Legislative Conference
Save the dates for February 18-19, 2025
FREE Annual Legislative Conference in Montgomery. Invite your local legislator to join us at the Social on Tuesday Evening.
Guest Speakers:
Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth
Executive Vice President of the Business Council of Alabama Clay Scofield
Michael Davis, Government Relations for Balch & Bingham, Birmingham.
The annual Legislative Conference supplies a forum to educate members about the upcoming political and economic issues facing the independent agents in Alabama. In 2023, our focus was Dram Shop / Liquor Liability legislation, which was signed into law. The positive impact has already registered; ISO scored our state as a 5, no longer a 10.
The conference is hosted by the AIIA Young Agents and the AIIA Legislative Committee. Past speakers include Senator Katie Britt, Governor Kay Ivey, Attorneys General, several state supreme and appellate court justices, as well as the AIIA Lawmakers of the Year.
Questions? Contact Michelle McKee at 205.326.4129, ext. 106 or by email at mmckee@aiia.org.
On behalf of the Young Agents and the Legislative Committees of the Alabama Independent Insurance Agents, we encourage you to join us for this FREE event.
Thank you to our First STEP Sponsors for sponsoring this event!
To find your state legislators, go to The Alabama Legislature website.
To view the 2023 Legislative Conference photos, click here.
AIIA continues to lobby for independent agents and a pro-business environment in Montgomery while the Legislators are in session. For any Legislative Updates, please contact AIIA Legislative Chair Carl Schneider at (251) 401-6000.
Conference Location:
RSA Plaza
Montgomery, AL