Young Agents
Get Involved with Alabama's EPIC Agents!
Alabama Emerging Professionals (aka Young Agents) is a Committee comprised of member agents who have been in the business less than five years, are less than 40 years young just young at heart. There are no additional fees to join.
Ready to get involved?!!!!
Just complete this quick registration form and join us for our committee days which are held twice a year.
COMMITTEE DAY is held in January or February and each August at the association office.
EPIC Committee Service Request
Or, reach out to one of the following EPICs regional directors.
EPIC Chair - Ivie Isler (205) 252-9871
EPIC Past Chair - Coley Boone (251) 473-9000
EPIC AIIA Staff Liaison - Alison Ray, Emily Kelley or Michelle McKee at 205-326-4129
AL YA help plan and execute the following events:
Legislative Conference
The annual Legislative Conference provides a forum to educate members about the upcoming political and economic issues facing the independent agents in Alabama. In 2023, this committee worked hard on the dram shop / liquor liability law that passed in one legislative session.
Excalibur Clay Shoot
The clay shoot event held in April each year helps raise funds for scholarships to college students considering a career in the risk management and insurance industry. This event is held on the third Friday in April at Selwood Farm in Alpine, AL. To find out more information about our Excalibur Education Foundation and/or to give donations click this link: Excalibur Education Foundation
Excalibur Clay Shoot date is Friday, April 19th 2024.
EPIC Conference
The Emerging Professionals EPIC event held in July each year helps support and educate agents.
Save the date for his event is July 25 - July 28, 2024 at Hilton Pensacola Beach.
Pat Owens Big I Pac Golf Classic
The golf tournament held in September each year helps raise funds for the Big I PAC, the state political action committee. This event is September 19, 2023, at Timberline Country Club.